Crashes, laws and information about truck wrecks in the Pacific Northwest, including Washington State, Oregon, I-5.

Trucking Watchdog is run by Kevin Coluccio, a truck injury attorney based in Seattle, Washington.

Be Safe in Washington

The summer months are upon us. Travel upon our highways will increase as families travel to visit relatives or go on vacations to campgrounds, historic sites or other fun locations.  With summer highway travel safety is a major concern and must to the focus of both the driver, as well as, passengers. Don't be distracted [...]

2019-08-22T22:56:00+00:00Washington State|

Truck Drivers with Care

Today with snow all over the roadways here in the Pacific Northwest, roadway travel was limited. Those that had to go out faced conditions of icy roads, continuous snow flakes or ice rain and side roads that were difficult to navigate. Out there, crazy drivers went too fast, followed too close and tried to go [...]

2012-01-19T17:48:35+00:00Washington State, Weather|
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