Trucking safety rule changes shows industry protecting profits over drivers

The trucking industry is getting a holiday bonus from the U.S. Congress. The federal spending bill just passed for 2015 includes a provision that will undo many of the trucking safety rule  changes the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) implemented last year. The current trucking safety rules—mandating a 30-minute break every 8 hours, and [...]


A plan to catch chameleons

Chameleon carriers are trucking companies that shut down to hide from penalties after multiple safety violations or crashes—and then re-open under a new name. For more, see Chasing the Chameleon. These carriers run some of the most dangerous trucks on the road: 18% of suspected chameleon carriers were in serious truck crashes, according to the [...]

2020-07-10T23:32:22+00:00In the News, Laws|
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