Primary causes of semi truck crashes and big rig accidents

Proper Speed for Semi Trucks

A commercial semi truck driver must maintain a proper speed at all times. Determining a safe speed for a heavy vehicle depends on many critical factors.   Proper speed factors for semi trucks: Traffic conditions; Road conditions and construction; Weather conditions, especially rain, snow or ice; Visibility that may be affected by weather and precipitation, [...]

Unsafe Loads

Each day motorists share our public roadways with dangerously overloaded trucks and trucks that do not have properly secured loads.  The dangers these trucks present are numerous. The dangers include: Truck loads falling into the roadways or onto vehicles; Trucks and trailers tipping over; Truck drivers losing control of their vehicle; Truckers unable to stop [...]

2019-01-28T00:47:05+00:00Overloaded truck|

Following too close: a semi-truck Space Cushion

How many times have you seen semi-trucks racing down the road on the bumper of another truck and trailer? Or a huge tractor-trailer riding the bumper of a passenger vehicle on I-5? Probably far too often.   What we see on our highways each and every day are truckers in a hurry, racing upon our roadways and following too [...]

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